Thrift Store Chair Makeover


I wanted to swap out my old glass round dining table and metal chairs for wood. I wanted to do it on a budget – it’s more fun that way, so I started looking for chairs and a table I could refinish to my liking.  I went to my local Hospice Thrift store and found 4 ugly green chairs that were $19.99 on sell for 50% off!!!  I knew I didn’t want to spend more than $10 for each chair – SCORE!!!  Here is my makeover.  BTW, still searching for the table, I may just have to make my own.  I don’t want to spend over $100. on the table.

They started out as a faded looking hunter green color with icky seats.

The chairs were a faded shade of hunter green. I had to wash and sand them real well before I could start painting.

The cushions looked pretty rough


The cushions were in pretty good shape, just badly stained.

took them apart, washed and sanded each chair and then spray painted 4 light coats of this happy yellow color.

I spray painted them with four thin coats of this happy yellow color.

all painted and ready to put together

all painted and ready to put together!

TA-DA!!  Happy chairs!!

TA-DA!! Happy chairs!!

LOVE the outdoor fabric I found to recover the cushions.

LOVE the outdoor fabric I found to cover the cushions. Easy to keep clean. I had enough fabric left over so I made four placemats to match.

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